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What a Day in the Life of a Memory Care Resident Is Like

Birches Assisted Living and Memory Care

Birches Assisted Living and Memory Care

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When families consider memory care for a loved one with dementia, they may hesitate because they don’t know what life will be like. Will their loved one feel lonely and bored? Will they be cared for? Will they be respected?  Will life for them as a memory care resident be better than life at home?  Before deciding if memory care is the right choice for your loved one, look at what a typical day is like for a memory care resident.

What a day in the life of a memory care resident is like

Good morning!

To begin the day, each memory care resident receives the help they need to get out of bed, get dressed and attend to personal care like toileting, washing, and brushing teeth. For many memory care residents, morning is also a time for taking medications dispensed by qualified staff.

At The Birches, the first stop of the morning is the dining room for a wonderful, nutritious breakfast. Every day there’s something different to select from, and our memory care members who need assistance with choosing foods and eating will have help on hand. At The Birches we double down on nutrition by encouraging our memory care members to participate in the process. They can offer menu suggestions, assist in meal preparation and have the benefit of viewing sample plates, rather than menus, to help them choose foods they enjoy eating. Find out more on our “Person-centered Dining Service in Memory Care,” web page.

Mid-morning fun

After breakfast memory care residents have a variety of fun activities available to get them going. Many opt for exercise like strength and balance class, yoga or chair tai chi, movement to music, or taking a walk. Some memory care residents may also prefer to spend time gardening, playing a game, or working on an art project.

As the only Montessori-certified memory care community in Illinois, The Birches offers “Purposeful Programming” based on the Montessori Methods, a structured, personalized program that relates to each memory care member’s life experiences, preferences, and abilities. As described in our blog, “Montessori Activities for Dementia,” each of the activities offered at The Birches is designed to help sustain and strengthen cognitive skills, life skills, movement, and sensory engagement, as well as all the benefits of socialization, art and music.

Mid-day break

As it nears lunchtime, many memory care residents return to their apartments to receive medication and to clean up for lunch. Like breakfast, lunch is not only a time for eating but also an opportunity to socialize. Memory care residents’ family members are also welcome to join them for a meal to help them stay in touch and feel connected.

This type of family involvement is encouraged at The Birches and families appreciate the many opportunities they have to stay involved in their seniors’ lives. As noted on our Family Support and Communication web page, we take our responsibility to members and their families very seriously through regular communications and via our app that families can use from anywhere to check in and provide feedback.

Afternoon engagement

Following lunch, memory care residents may choose to return to their rooms to rest, or they may have appointments for a haircut in the salon or barbershop. For many, however, afternoons are the time for different types of therapies. Memory care members at The Birches can benefit from physical therapy to help them get back on their feet, occupational therapy for managing everyday activities, speech therapy to help improve communication skills, and art, and music therapy.

Art therapy, as noted in our blog, “The Benefits of Art Therapy in Memory Care Facilities,” is an excellent way for memory care members to develop (or re-develop) artistic skills and express themselves without having to speak. Music therapy is especially beneficial to our memory care members. As described in our blog, “Music: A melodic manner to awaken cherished memories,” playing and/or listening to music prompts the memory and can soothe and comfort, helping to minimize some of the most difficult symptoms of dementia.

Evening slow down

As the day ends, it’s time for memory care residents to head to dinner and enjoy all the social and nutritional aspects of a lovely meal in the company of friends and helpful staff. Afterward, many will return to their apartments for a favorite TV show, a call from family or to receive medication and prepare for bed. Those who prefer can also enjoy local in-house entertainment, take in a movie, or visit with friends. No matter where our memory care members are there is always someone close by to keep them safe, secure, and well cared for.

Interested in The Birches’ memory care for a loved one? Contact us to learn more and to schedule a tour of our memory care community.

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